- February 8, 2019
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm - March 8, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - April 12, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - May 10, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - June 14, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - July 12, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - August 9, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - September 13, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - October 11, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - November 8, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - December 13, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - April 20, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - May 25, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - June 29, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - July 27, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - August 10, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - September 7, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - October 12, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - November 9, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am - December 14, 2019
9:00 am - 11:30 am
TWO MEETINGS EVERY MONTH — ONE IN SPOKANE AND ONE IN DAVENPORT — Pick the meeting that is best for your schedule OR join us for both meetings: twice the shooting = twice the fun!
About Our Chapter:
To create woman friendly opportunities to practice and grow as responsible firearm owners, The Well Armed Women of Spokane hold monthly meetings to address issues important to women shooters; learn vital self-protection skills; acquire and practice safe gun-handling skills; and train together in a safe and supportive environment.
With more than 150 active members, Spokane’s TWAW Chapter is an exciting mix of ladies age 18 to 88 who enjoy our women-friendly shooting and self-protection skill development opportunities. Chapter members find tremendous value in meeting other like-minded women and enjoy our informative meeting topics and guest speakers.
While the SpokaneTWAW Chapter’s mission is to educate, equip, and empower women firearm owners, our group is about more than shooting — it’s also about encouragement, support, friendship, growth, and fun.
If you are interested in safe storage of firearms, concealed carry, home defense, holster selection, or you just want the challenge of learning something new, join us for a chapter meeting to see what we’re all about.
Check out our public Facebook page for chapter events, pictures, and information about upcoming events.
About Our Meetings:
Each meeting explores a topic related to firearms and personal protection. The meetings involve both classroom time and live-fire range time as we educate, equip, and empower ladies on the path to taking responsibility for their own personal protection.
To get an idea of what we’re all about, ladies may attend their first chapter meeting as our guest (no membership required to attend your first meeting). TWAW membership is required for all additional meetings and it’s required in order to participate in our live-fire range sessions.
Grab a friend and come join in the fun! If you’re able to join us, please register on this page. Advance registration greatly helps us with meeting set-up, and ensures that we have enough handouts and range officers at each meeting. If the meeting you would like to attend is “sold out” please send us an email to let us know — this will help us know when we need to add another range session to our meeting dates.
About Our Meeting Locations:
For 5 years our chapter has held monthly meetings at Spokane Rifle Club and in March of 2019 (at the persuasion of Davenport Sporting Goods) we held a TWAW informational open house in Davenport, WA to gauge the community’s interest in chapter meetings at Davenport Gun Club. When more than 60 ladies showed up for the open house, we understood what the folks at Davenport Sporting Goods had been telling us for years and our Spokane chapter decided to multiply by bringing monthly meetings to the ladies of Lincoln, Adams, Grant, and Ferry Counties.
In April 2019, we held our first official meeting at Davenport Gun Club. We’re excited to be able to offer two meetings a month for our chapter members. Members are welcome to attend just one or both of the monthly meetings. There is a different topic for each meeting (see below).
Our chapter is blessed to have TWO host ranges. Davenport Gun Club is a .22lr caliber only indoor range. Ladies attending Davenport meetings will need to bring a .22lr handgun or plan to rent one of our chapter’s .22lr loaner pistols (email SpokaneTWAW@gmail.com for more information about renting one of the chapter’s pistols).
Spokane meetings are held at the indoor range at Spokane Rifle Club. This range is open to any pistol caliber handgun (.22lr, .380auto, and 9mm being the most common).
On the 2nd Friday of each month from 6pm to 8:30pm the chapter meetings take place at Spokane Rifle Club’s Indoor Range.
FEB 8: Chapter 5th Anniversary Party & Handgun Basics
MAR 8: Choosing Handguns for Protection & Plinking
APR 12: Managing Unknown Contacts
MAY 10: Dealing With Handgun Malfunctions
JUN 14: Modifying Your Defensive Handgun
JUL 12: Holistic Defense – Truly Being Prepared
AUG 9: Defensive Encounter | Surviving the Aftermath
SEP 13: Gun Cleaning Clinic
OCT 11: The Central Problem in Shooting
NOV 8: Holster Selection
DEC 13: Gun Jeopardy!
JAN 10, 2020: WA Initiative 594 & 1639
FEB 14, 2020: Chapter 6th Anniversary & Ammunition Demystifier
MAR 13, 2020: Adaptive Shooting
APR 10, 2020: Defensive Ammo Selection
MAY 08, 2020: Vehicle Defense
JUN 12, 2020: Selecting Handgun Night Sights
JUL 10, 2020: Refuse to be a Victim (Inside the Home)
AUG 14, 2020: “Battlefield” Pickups – Running Different Guns
SEP 11, 2020: Gun Lingo Bingo & Firearm Jeopardy!
OCT 09, 2020: STOP the BLEED
NOV 13, 2020: Low Light Shooting Techniques
DEC 11, 2020: Positional Shooting
*meeting topics subject to change without notice
One Saturday morning a month from 9am to 11:30am, we have a chapter meeting at Davenport Gun Club.
MAR 9: Informational Open House
APR 20: Range Safety, System & Shooting
MAY 25: Safe Handling & Shooting Fundamentals
JUN 29: The Central Problem in Shooting
JUL 27: CCW Essentials
AUG 10: Gun Cleaning Clinic | Guest Speaker Jonn Chapman from Davenport Sporting Goods
SEP 7: Defensive Encounter | Surviving the Aftermath
OCT 12: Refuse to be a Victim (Inside the Home)
NOV 9: Holster Selection
DEC 14: Gun Jeopardy!
JAN 2020: Dealing with Handgun Malfunctions
FEB 2020: Refuse to be a Victim (Outside the Home)
MAR 2020: Selecting Self Defense Insurance
APR 2020: Escaping Illegal Restraints
MAY 2020: Defensive Ammo Selection
JUN 2020: Adaptive Shooting
JUL 2020: Managing Unknown Contacts
AUG 2020: Ammunition Demystifier
SEP 2020: WA Initiatives 594 & 1639
OCT 2020: The AR Platform
NOV 2020: What’s in Your Range Bag? & Critical Care for Common Range Injuries
DEC 2020: Vehicle Defense
*meeting topics subject to change without notice
About The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapters National Program:
The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapters program is expanding the world of firearms to women all over the country in a safe, non-threatening way with the purpose of educating, equipping and empowering women firearm owners.
TWAW Shooting Chapters is a non-profit program that was founded by women for women who organize local groups around the country that meet monthly to practice, learn and grow as safe, responsible firearm owners and shooters — the organization is comprised of nearly 500 chapters in 49 states with over 11,000 members (and growing daily).
Chapter Leadership Contact Information:
Our Chapter Leader is Kaery Dudenhofer. Kaery is the owner and lead trainer for Kaery Concealed. As a full time firearm instructor, in addition to leading Spokane TWAW, Kaery offers a complete schedule of group and private firearm training specially designed for the needs of women and their families. A comprehensive list of the training courses she offers is available under the courses tab and the calendar tab in the menu above. Kaery can be reached at SpokaneTWAW@gmail.com
For questions or further information about the monthly meetings at Spokane Rifle Club, you can reach out to Danielle Gilb, the Division Chairperson for The Well Armed Women of Spokane Rifle Club. Miss Danielle can be reached at mdkgilb@msn.com.
For further information about monthly chapter meetings at Davenport Gun Club, you can reach out to Dawn Chapman, co-owner of Davenport Sporting Goods. Miss Dawn can be reached at dawn@kahse.com.
If you’ve not been to SRC’s indoor range, we encourage you to take a look at this map (driving-directions-to-spokane-rifle-club). Please reference the directions on the map to Spokane Rifle Club’s indoor range as most GPS units and map apps take the driver several miles NW of the club’s actual location.
Davenport Gun Club is located directly to the east of the hospital in Davenport, WA. There is ample parking on the east side of the Davenport Gun Club (you do not need to park in the hospital parking lot).