With just under 2,000 hours of formal firearm and self-protection training Kaery remains passionate about continuing her journey as a firearms student and continually pursues training and mentorship under nationally and internationally respected instructors in this field. Below are some training highlights from the last few years.
- Advanced Force Science Specialist – Force Science Institute
- Certified Force Science Analyst – Force Science Institute
- Judicious Use of Deadly Force Instructor – Massad Ayoob Group
- Force Analysis: Forensic Video Review & Examination – Critical Incident Review
- Law of Self Defense Instructor – Verified Graduate
- Active Self Protection Instructor – John Correia
- Methods of Instruction in Law Enforcement – Force Science Institute
- Certified Firearm Specialist – International Firearm Specialist Academy
- Handgun Combatives – Dave Spaulding – Vehicle Combatives, Adaptive Combative Handgun, Kinetic Combative Handgun, 5 -Day Legacy Training Course
- Rangemaster Pistol Instructor – Tom Givens
- NRA Instructor – CCW, Pistol, Chief Range Safety Officer, Range Safety Officer, Shotgun, Refuse to be a Victim, Home Firearm Safety, Personal Protection Inside the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home
- Performance Enhancement Imagery – Brian Willis, Winning Mind Training
- Realistic De-Escalation Instructor – Force Science Institute
- SABRE Law Enforcement Aerosol Projectors Instructor
- OC Spray & Less Lethal Instructor – Chuck Haggard
- Dare to be Great Leadership – Brian Willis, Winning Mind Training
- Massad Ayoob – MAG-40
- Clint Smith – Thunder Ranch – Defensive Handgun, Home & Vehicle Defense + Trauma Block
- Ken Hackathorn – Advanced Tactical Pistol
- John Farnam – Defensive Handgun
- Wes Doss | Khyber Interactive – Lights, Sights & Lasers
- Pistol Mounted Optic (Red-Dot) Instructor – Scott Jedlinski
- Pistol Shooting Solutions – Gabe White (Dark Pin)
- Pistol Intelligence – Riley Bowman
- Martial Blade Concepts – Martial Blade & Counter Blade
- William Aprill | Aprill Risk Consulting – UnThinkable
- Tim Larkin – Target Focused Training
- Craig Douglas | ShivWorks – Edged Weapon Overview
- Reading People & Pre-Assault Indicators – Calibre Press
- Vicki Farnam – Teaching Women to Shoot
- Concealed Carry Force-on-Force Training
- Citizens Defense Research | Melody Lauer – The Armed Parent
- Deliberate Coaching Instructor – Brian Hill
- SHOT IQ Instructor
- AIWB Concealed Carry & Red Dot Pistol – Scott Jedlinski
- Midwest Training Group (Bob Houzenga & Andy Kemp) – Advanced Handgun Skills & Defensive Carbine
- Model Mugging – Full Force Adrenaline Stress Training
- Documenting Officer Involved Shootings at Motor Vehicles & Shooting Incident Investigations
- Foundations of Courtroom Testimony & Domestic Violence + SA Investigation – Texas A & M Engineering University
- Utah CCW Permit Instructor
- Washington State Hunter Education Instructor
- Glock Operator Course
- Glock Armorer & AR-15 Armorer
- TASER Operator Training – Axon International
- Critical Incident Report Writing – Critical Incident Review, Jamie Borden
- The Sociology of Guns – Dr. David Yamane
Kaery never intended to become a self-protection expert or a firearms trainer. In 2005 she loved her busy days as an at-home wifey to one and mommy to three when a horrific attack took place near her hometown. In May of that year, a violent aggressor savagely attacked a Wolf Lodge, Idaho family as they slept in their home, killing both parents and their teenage son, and kidnapping the two youngest children ages 7 and 9. Days before the attack, as the convicted felon traveled westbound on Interstate 90, he spotted the children playing in their yard and began planning his attack. This horrific attack was life-altering for many. . . . .
The disgusting, sub-human that committed these horrific acts [be prepared to be sick] had recently been released from prison and was known to and wanted by state and federal law enforcement. After he was apprehended, media outlets released a list of GPS coordinates visited by the killer prior to his attack on the Wolf Lodge family. The list contained coordinates for a location the killer visited many times — the Kindermusik studio on Spokane’s South Hill — where Kaery and her three children attended twice-weekly music classes.
Although Kaery understood that this coincidence did not necessarily mean that she and the aggressor were at the same location at the same time, her eyes were opened to the truth: evil people, even serial killers and rapists, can be anywhere at anytime—–they can even be at “safe” places like Kindermusik. With that realization weighing heavily, Kaery realized that she must prepare to be the primary agent in her own rescue and in the rescue of her children. She was ready and willing to accept responsibility for keeping herself and her children safe but she didn’t know how to begin or where to turn for answers.
Kaery began her journey reading books by experts in the self-protection space: Principles of Personal Defense by Col Jeff Cooper, In the Gravest Extreme by Massad Ayoob, and Armed and Female by Paxton Quigley. While these books were extremely informative, they confirmed what Kaery intuitively knew — she needed much more than just knowledge — she needed to learn and master the skills a mom would need to protect herself and her children and so began her search for relevant training.
The search was daunting. The only training available at that time was offered by instructors with extensive military or police experience but their mission, equipment, and rules of engagement are dramatically different than that of a private citizen. Kaery desperately wanted training from a civilian perspective but 18 years ago this type of training didn’t exist, so she dove into the training that was available. With each class Kaery attended she asked questions and sifted through course materials to hone in on the principles and tactics civilians must master. Upon returning home from training courses Kaery would share with friends and family what she was learning. Little-by-little and bit-by-bit she began developing curriculum that addressed the unique protection needs of families and this became the foundation of Kaery Concealed.
Today, Kaery Concealed offers professional, personal-protection training in a non-intimidating, family-friendly setting. We strive to instill in our clients the knowledge and skills they need to successfully protect themselves and those they love — and we do this in a caring a supportive setting — a setting that is completely void of the ego and bravado that often characterize the male-driven firearm industry.
It is our prayer that you never face a violent encounter, yet it is our purpose to help you develop responsible, legal, and effective responses should it happen.
Kaery is a wife to 1 (for 28 years!) and a mommy to 7. She earned a M.Ed in Curriculum Development – Gifted Education Emphasis from Whitworth University in 2003 and has been teaching in a variety of capacities for over 25 years. Kaery trains under and is mentored by the industry’s most respected firearm trainers, and she assimilates the most practical methods and proven techniques into her courses. The de-escalation, disengagement, and defensive strategies she teaches originated with the master instructors she has trained under (crediting them at every opportunity)– these strategies are effective for the average citizen wanting to learn how to safely, legally, and effectively protect themselves and those they love.
Kaery’s work with thousands of women and families gives her a deep understanding of the barriers, challenges, concerns, and needs of conscientious citizens wanting to take responsibility for their own safety and protecting their loved ones. All of Kaery’s courses are designed to meet you where you are on your self-protection journey and help you develop the practical, street-proven knowledge and skills necessary to PREVAIL should you ever be faced with a violent encounter.