• July 6, 2020 - July 10, 2020
    8:00 am - 6:00 pm



Join Kaery Concealed in attending Use of Deadly Force Instructor Course with Massad Ayoob of Massad Ayoob Group on July 6th – July 10th 8am to 6pm in Phoenix.

Please visit this link for registration information.



Taught personally by Massad Ayoob, this one week 40+ hour course of instruction is offered by the Massad Ayoob Group in conjunction with The Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc. to teach and certify self-defense firearms instructors in the complicated and nuanced discipline of teaching the legalities of use of deadly force in self-defense. Teaching how to shoot is the easy part. Much tougher is teaching people when and when not to use force, including deadly force, in self defense. In addition to learning what to teach and how to present it, students will also learn how to take their expertise to court, to both serve as a material witness for their students, and perhaps an expert witness in other self-defense court cases.Course content includes:

  • Justifying use of deadly force in self-defense
  • Use of non-lethal force in self defense
  • Understanding the affirmative defense of self-defense
  • Physiological phenomenon involved in deadly force incidents
  • Criminal law and self-defense
  • Dynamics of violent encounters
  • Mock courtroom exercise
  • Issues from actual self-defense cases (case studies)
  • Classroom presentation

Students will be expected to prepare for this class by researching their own state’s laws on use of deadly force, along with their own state’s case law, and bring this material to class. Additionally, students should be prepared for instruction to go into the early evening if necessary on some days, in order to cover the vast array of material which needs to be covered.

Pre-requisites: Instructor credentials or membership in the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc.

TUITION: $1,200

NOTE: Previous LFI-1, MAG-40 or MAG-20 Classroom students will receive a $200 discount,  Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network members that are not LFI-1, MAG-40 or MAG-20 Classroom graduates will receive a $100.00 discount.  Students are only able to receive one of these discounts. Students enrolled in the Active Self Protection Instructor Certification in 2020 will receive a $200 discount as well. To receive a discount code as a graduate, please email grad credentials to Steph@activeselfprotection.com and she will email you a discount code.


Equipment list–

  • Note taking materials.You will need to take LOTS of notes. We’ll explain why when you get here. If you wish to use a laptop computer or a tablet, that is OK  (you may also want to bring an extension cord/power strip). Audio or video recording of the class is not allowed.
  • Please bring your own lunches, snacks, beverages etc. We have a “working lunch” in all classes. Many of our facilities do not have a place close enough to purchase meals and get back in a reasonable amount of time.
  • We teach in many locations and cannot guarantee the comfort of the chairs, if that might be an issue for you feel free to bring a cushion to sit on (We like this one).
Contact Us

Send us a quick note, and we'll get back in touch with you as we're able. Thank you!

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Sure Shots -Davenport TWAW Chapter Meeting