• March 9, 2019
    9:00 am - 11:00 am


Introductory Open House:
The Well Armed Women of Spokane are bringing the shooting chapters program to the ladies of Davenport, WA.

We invite you to our introductory and informational open house where you’ll learn about The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapters program and meet your chapter leaders.  We will be discussing why a women’s shooting chapter is great for educating, equipping, and empowering women in the shooting world.

You do not need to be a member to attend the open house, so grab a friend and come see what it’s all about.

This Open House is informational only which means there will not be any shooting.  Going forward, however, there will be regular meetings with teaching and shooting for members.

Please register for the open house here so we have an idea of how many awesome ladies to expect!!  Although advance registration is not required, doing so greatly helps us with meeting set-up, and ensures that we have enough handouts.

This open house is hosted by Davenport Sporting Goods and Spokane’s Well Armed Women.


About Our Monthly Meetings:
After this informational open house, our future meetings will involve both classroom time and live-fire range time as we educate, equip, and empower ladies on the path to taking responsibility for their own personal protection.

Monthly meetings are helpful and informative as we introduce issues important to women shooters; learn vital self protection skills; acquire and practice safe gun-handling skills; and train together in a safe and supportive environment.

We exist to create woman friendly opportunities to practice and grow as responsible gun owners.

Women find great value in meeting other like-minded women and they enjoy our highly informative and compelling meeting topics.


About The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapters National Program:
The Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapters program is expanding the world of firearms to women all over the country in a safe, non-threatening way with the purpose of educating, equipping and empowering women firearm owners.

TWAW Shooting Chapters is a non-profit program that was founded by women for women who organize local groups around the country that meet monthly to practice, learn and grow as safe, responsible firearm owners and shooters — the organization is comprised of nearly 500 chapters in 49 states with over 11,000 members (and growing daily).

While each chapter’s mission is to educate, equip, and empower women on safe and accurate shooting, our group is about more than shooting — it’s also about encouragement, support, friendship, growth, fun, and much MUCH more.

If you are interested in safe storage of firearms, concealed carry, home defense, or you just want the challenge of learning something new, please join us for a chapter meeting to see what we’re all about.


Contact Information:
Kaery, owner and lead trainer for Kaery Concealed, is the chapter leader and she can be reached at SpokaneTWAW@gmail.com.


511 Park Street, Davenport, Washington, 99122, United States

Contact Us

Send us a quick note, and we'll get back in touch with you as we're able. Thank you!

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I-1639 Firearm Safety Training Moses Lake Holiday Inn Express