- 9am @ Spokane Rifle Club
January 26, 2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Many ranges and shooting organizations are in desperate need of volunteer Range Safety Officers (RSOs). The National Rifle Association developed this course to help ranges and organizations train those RSOs.
Although they fill a vital need on the range, RSOs are not certified instructors or coaches.
This is a course designed to prepare individuals for the basic duties of a Range Safety Officer.
RSOs ensure that shooters follow the range’s regulations in order to reduce property damage and personal injury.
RSOs often have responsibilities to take action when circumstances require it. The RSO is the range’s official on the firing line to ensure safety and to help shooters.
This is a hands on, non-live fire course with numerous practical exercises designed to allow students to experience many different firearm action types and participate in practical exercises to prepare for the RSO role.
The NRA encourages shooters to learn more and become responsible for the safety of fellow shooters through this RSO program. There will be practical exercises with all types of firearms in this course, even if a shooter’s discipline does not require experience with those types.
Every student will learn how to properly take control of firearms on the firing line and how to safely clear stoppages and malfunctions.
Students will receive coaching and feedback on the practical exercises conducted during the course.
About Kaery Concealed
Kaery is a full-time firearms and self-defense instructor who resides in the Pacific Northwest. In 2003, she earned a Master of Education (with an emphasis in Curriculum Development for the Gifted) from Whitworth University and has been teaching for more than 25 years.
She is certified by various national and international self-defense training programs (Rangemaster, National Rifle Association, SABRE Protection, The Well Armed Woman, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification, and Law of Self Defense) and she has trained under some of the most respected instructors and thought-leaders in the self-defense industry to guide everyday civilians through the complex legal, moral, and social ramifications of the use of force in self-defense. Kaery, offers corporate, group, and private courses for civilians all over the Pacific Northwest.
Kaery and her husband, Eric, are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of 7 children ages 19, 17, 12, 12, 8, 7, and 6. As a family they enjoy water sports; GLamping; making music; reading (and writing–daughter #1 enjoys creating and publishing books); shooting sports (and holster making–Custom Comfort Holsters is owned and operated by son #1); and ATVing all over the Pacific Northwest.
Venue: Spokane Rifle Club
Venue Website: https://spokanerifle.com/
Founded in 1916, Spokane Rifle Club offers the best and most varied facilities for shooting sports in the Spokane area. SRC is a member only club and is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year from 8am to dusk. The facility has an Indoor Pistol Range, Trap Range, Outdoor Pistol Range, and 100 and 200 yard outdoor rifle ranges.