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FRIDAY, MAR 28th @ 5pm | Single Admission $189.00 (USD)  
FRIDAY, MAR 28th @ 5pm | Buddy Pass (2 Seats) $339.00 (USD)  

  • March 28, 2025
    5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

1st Shots – Beginner Pistol

Purchase our “Buddy Pass” ticket if you’d like to bring a friend and SAVE on the price for each of you!


SHORT COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Follow this link for complete course description.

With the help and support of a caring instructor, and at your own pace, learn to safely handle, shoot, and evaluate handguns – and find one that’s best for YOU.  In-depth, 1-on-1 training in a non-threatening, no noise, and no recoil environment where you learn to safely handle firearms and develop essential shooting fundamentals.

1st Shots is a co-ed, entry-level handgun course designed for the responsible citizen with minimal or no formal handgun training who wants the essential knowledge and skills to confidently and proficiently protect themselves and those they love.  Innovative training methods allow Kaery Concealed to offer relevant, reality-based training for personal and home protection while helping students develop confidence in safe gun handling skills.

We excel at and are passionate about teaching beginners because I remember what it was like to desperately wanted to know how to safely, legally, effectively, and confidently integrate a firearm into my life, yet I didn’t know where to go or who to trust for information.  From friends and family to the guy behind the gun counter it seemed like everyone I talked to had an astoundingly different opinion about which caliber, which gun, and which holster that would be best for me.  You need information you can trust – especially information that considers your unique needs.

Over the years, we have discovered that many new to the gun world have erroneously been led to believe that their handgun options are extremely limited because they struggle to lock the slide to the rear, racking the slide, or even filling magazines with ammunition.  During 1st Shots we will teach you simple hacks for overcoming the common physical challenges (such as racking the slide and locking the slide to the rear) that can make operating a pistol challenging.

Kaery Concealed has designed 1st Shots to introduce safe gun handling and shooting essentials in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.  Our goal is to help you safely develop the essential knowledge and skills to be confident in operating the handgun you already own, the one someone picked out for you, or a handgun you want to purchase.

This is a hands-on, non-live fire course utilizes innovative SIRT technology to replicate the size, weight, and feel of a traditional handgun and allows us to train without the loud booms and bangs of traditional firearm instruction.  Instead of having to focus on the kinetic effects of shooting, the lack of noise and lack of recoil when training with SIRT technology allows shooters to focus on firearm safety and master essential shooting skills.  This non-lethal, safe alternative to live fire also removes the fear that is often associated with guns because it completely eliminates the chance of a negligent discharge.

During this course, students are truly able to focus on investigating and discovering the world of shooting because we take the noise and scariness of live fire out of firearm training so it’s easier to focus on essential skills and improve at a faster rate.  The absence of loud noise and recoil allows student attention to be focused on safety, knowledge, and skill development.

Through the course, participants will learn firearm safety and gun handling skills so they can safely, independently, and confidently integrate a firearm into their lives.  After completing 1st Shots our students can’t wait for the next course, SURE Shots.  SURE Shots is a live-fire course that picks up where 1st Shots leaves off and continues to build on the solid foundation established during 1st Shots.

Knowledge conquers fear.  Students enjoy this interesting, hands-on course because it emphasizes safe gun handling while developing the essential skills to keep, carry, and control a handgun in order to prevail should you be faced with a violent encounter.

We’ll also handle and evaluate many different pistols and learn how to determine which ones will work best for you.  This course will give you the information you need to make an informed choice so you don’t have to rely on the opinion of others.

This course is valuable even for those that have no intention of using or carrying a firearm.  With more than 300 million guns in America, it is wise for responsible citizens to understand the essentials of safe gun handling.

Be prepared to be hugged, encouraged, and challenged by our all-woman instruction team as you meet other like-minded responsible citizens.

“Thanks to your SECRET (which really works) I now have the confidence to take the SURE Shots live-fire class. Prior to learning your secret, I did not think I would ever be able to rack the slide. If I could not do that then range work seemed a waste of an instructor’s time as well as mine. Very happy now. Thanks to you! You are so correct in how you have structured and sequenced your classes to promote success with your students. I, too, had taken past classes with male instructors. My hands were younger so I managed racking. Thought age had taken it’s toll and I was out of luck for self protection but with your secret, I now have a new lease on life.👍😊”

There are no prerequisites for this course.

snacks + drinks for yourself (there’s no vending onsite, so please bring some nourishment to keep going)
notebook and writing utensil – if you’re the note-taking type
any other comfort items – feel free to bring anything you need to be comfortable
please plan to arrive 10 minutes early for check-in



Because we believe in the quality of our instruction and the quality of courses we offer, each course is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. If upon course completion, you believe that you didn’t get your money’s worth, we will issue to you a full refund. The only question we will ask is, “How did we fail you?”

At Kaery Concealed, we are committed to training. That means we invite our students to retake previously attended courses as refreshers AT NO COST. No strings attached.

While we do not offer refunds, we are happy to move your registration to a different class.



At Kaery Concealed, our mission is to empower our customers with exceptional, one-of-a-kind self-protection instruction; we do this by emphasizing firearm safety and explaining the whys in an experiential format that takes place in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Kaery Concealed aims to set the firearm industry standard of professionalism, quality training, and customer care while educating, equipping, and empowering families to protect themselves.

Kaery Dudenhofer is a full-time firearm and self-protection trainer from the Pacific Northwest.  She has trained under some of the most respected and recognized leaders in the self-defense community to guide responsible citizens through the complex legal, moral, and social issues concerning the use of force in self protection.  In addition to teaching responsible citizens to protect themselves and those they love, Kaery also works as a court approved expert witness and consulting specialist for civilian defensive use of force cases.  Kaery and her husband Eric have been married for 30 years and are the grateful (and often exhausted) parents of 7 children.  Away from the range and classroom Kaery enjoys time with her family — conquering the laundry pile, cooking for 5 teenagers, glamping, reading, reviewing notes from previously attended training courses, and water sporting.

Kaery Concealed focuses on evidence-based training and provides practical, street-proven defensive products and training to educate, equip, and empower individuals to protect themselves and their families. Our instructors are well-regarded professionals and each one has the heart of a teacher. While relevant experience and outstanding training are absolutely necessary qualities of a good instructor, those things alone do not equal a great instructor. Kaery Concealed instructors are experts at conveying information by making it accessible, engaging, entertaining, memorable, and life-changing.

At Kaery Concealed, our trainers and support staff have the heart of a teacher and we treat our customers the way we want to be treated.  This means:  there are no hidden fees in our courses; before and after your course you have direct access to your instructor for any questions or concerns; we are residents of the state in which we teach and contributing members of our local community so we’re intimately familiar with not only the laws but also the prosecutors and top criminal defense attorneys in our area, and we consider it an absolute privilege to serve you and help you navigate the confusion of safe, legal, and responsible firearm ownership.


Venue Website:

6411 N Aubrey L White Pkwy, Spokane, Washington, 99208, United States


Founded in 1916, Spokane Rifle Club offers the best and most varied facilities for shooting sports in the Spokane area.  SRC is a member only club and is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year from 8am to dusk.  The facility has an Indoor Pistol Range, Trap Range, Outdoor Pistol Range, and 100 and 200 yard outdoor rifle ranges.

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